Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 1 NASA International Space Station PSTI

If you can't go to space, the next best thing is an opportunity for professional development, at the Kennedy Space Center. For 5 wonderful days, I was able to have the experience of a lifetime. I want to take you on my 5 day journey and go through the same experiences I had.

On the first day we started a 5 day investigation in space microbes, started our lunar rock certification and created lunar landers, did an edible rocks activity, and toured the Apollo Saturn V Center.

NASA Space Microbes Invasion (Day 1 of 5)
OBJECTIVE: To investigate how different cleaning agents sanitize an assortment of vegetables and fruits for consumption on board the ISS (International Space Station). 

We picked three vegetables; lettuce, onion, and red bell pepper. On the left side is the control, a swab of the vegetable. On the right side is the experiment, a swab of the vegetable cleaned with distilled white vinegar. Over the next 5 days, we will watch the microbes grow and report on it.


NASA Lunar Certification/Security Video – ERC Touchdown
OBJECTIVE: To enhance educator’s knowledge of current NASA plans to return to the Moon, future exploration of Mars and bodies beyond, and provide security training for participation in Lunar/Meteorite Sample Education Program.

NASA Lunar Certification – ERC Cratering, Edible Rocks
OBJECTIVE: To enhance educator’s knowledge of current NASA plans to return to the Moon, future exploration of Mars and bodies beyond, and provide security training for participation in Lunar/Meteorite Sample Education Program.

  Lunar and Meteorite Samples

NASA Tour Apollo Saturn V Center (ASVC)

One thing that I forgot to mention, which was even better than just the experience itself; I was able to do this with other students who are interested in the same thing I am - STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)! These are all my classmates from Broward College, minus a few that did not make it to the picture, but plus one photo bomber in the background.

This is a picture of what console looks like in Houston.

The back end of the Saturn V rocket.

Model of the Saturn V Rocket

Capsule, this is how the astronauts come back to Earth!
Snoopy is a space explorer too!

Moon Rock...I wonder how many microbes were on this?

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Shannon. It was a great week. You'll make a great teacher!
