Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 4 NASA International Space Station PSTI

Day 4 was such a phenomenal experience, as well. However, today was an exploration for ourselves kind of day. Prior to lunch we continued with our day as normal with professional development.

Today we continue with our microbial investigation, studying layers for planets, met Rachel in the e-Learning Lab, and went on console at Hangar AE.

NASA Space Microbes Invasion (Day 4 of 5)
OBJECTIVE:  To investigate how different cleaning agents sanitize an assortment of vegetables and fruits for consumption on board the ISS.

Unfortunately, I was so excited to move forward to the next activity, I forgot to take pictures of our microbes today. Good news is, they really did not vary too much from the previous day. They are still growing, but there was not much change noted.

NASA Mars is STEMulating – Strange New Planet, Lava Layering, Soft Landing
OBJECTIVE:  Activities progress from the remote sensing of a planet, exploration of the planet remotely and eventually how one might survive on the Martian surface. Activities also include lessons on volcanoes and geology and comparisons of the Earth versus the surface of Mars are also made.

We created a volcano with playdoh and created the first layer. After the first layer you add baking soda and vinegar to create the eruption. After the volcano erupts, trace the areas the lava flowed and then relayer it with a new color of playdoh. You continue doing this until you reach the last layer. After, you take a core sample to evaluate and view layers. We took various core samples to see the difference from one area of the volcano to the next.

NASA Resources (e-Learning Lab) – Rachel
OBJECTIVE:  To make students aware of NASA resources online and exposure to the Digital Learning Network (DLN).

We had the opportunity to meet with Rachel in the e-Learning lab. She talked about the Digital Learning Network and how teachers can use this in their classroom. Student can interact with NASA and do wonderful activities! Check out the link below.

NASA Egg Drop Activity
OBJECTIVE: Create a landing module that can land without breaking an egg and drop it from 10 ft. up.

Prior to our simulation training, we had a presentation that is unforgettable!

NASA Hangar AE Mission Simulation Training

At the end of the day we headed over to Hangar AE for a simulation on console.
Unfortunately, our rocket had an anomaly and exploded at take-off, but at least we
conducted ourselves the way they would in Houston...."Houston, we have a problem!" When
we were driving back from Hangar AE, I also took pictures of the SpaceX Rocket that was
set up for launch and the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) (tallest one story building in the

SpaceX Rocket, ready for launch.
Between the two right building, you can see the rocket.
Far off view!

That's the VAB, which is above, as well.

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