Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 2 NASA International Space Station PSTI

Day 1 was great! Who knew day 2 would be just as great; if not better? Learning about how to incorporate NASA into the curriculum and how much space is related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), has been a real eye-opening experience. I am so excited to start teaching and utilizing the wonderful things I have learned into my very own classroom.

Activities for today include the continuation of or space microbial investigation, truss building, and tour of the SSPF (Space Station Processing Facility).

NASA Space Microbes Invasion (Day 2 of 5)
OBJECTIVE: To investigate how different cleaning agents sanitize an assortment of vegetables and fruits for consumption on board the ISS.

NASA Professional Development Workshop: ISS Build Activity – ERC
OBJECTIVE: To design, build, and evaluate a truss of our own design.

Unfortunately, I was not able to get a picture, but our truss was able to withstand and hold 4lbs, 8lbs, and 12lbs. in weight. The opportunity to test our designs is what makes the experience so successful and fun. We all challenged each other as teams, but were very supportive of each other throughout this process. Hopefully, our students can do the same!

NASA Professional Development Workshop: Space Suit/Cooling Suit – ERC
FOCUS QUESTION: How do astronauts stay "cool" during extravehicular (EVA)? How is the water cooling technology used in the Space Shuttle Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU)?

This was quite the activity. We each created our own cooling suits, utilizing a sock, tubing, syringe, and water. By simultaneously cutting holes throughout the sock, you can feed the tubing through the sock and place it around your arm. Utilizing the syringe, flow water through the tubing, and you are instantly cooled!

Tour SSPF main lobby, high bay, hardware and science payload support.

This was really cool, this was communication room where the astronauts communicate via video. Here is a current astronaut doing laboratory testing.

Large unit for experiments of payloads.
Various payloads.

Another payload.

LED lights used in plant growth chamber.
Look what I stumbled on!!!
If you think Day 1 and Day 2 were great, I am just getting started. Stick around for the rest of my week! This once in a life time opportunity and experience has yet to begin!

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