Monday, August 25, 2014

Day 3 NASA International Space Station PSTI

Day 3 was such a phenomenal experience, as well. However, today was an exploration for ourselves kind of day. Prior to lunch we continued with our day as normal with professional development.

Today we continue with our microbial investigation, met Trent Smith, created our own plant growth chambers, and toured Kennedy Space Center on our own.

NASA Space Microbes Invasion (Day 3 of 5)
OBJECTIVE:  To investigate how different cleaning agents sanitize an assortment of vegetables and fruits for consumption on board the ISS.

NASA Meet Trent Smith - ISS Utilization Overview – Science payloads focusing on KSC managed payloads.
OBJECTIVE: Who is he? What does he do?

Prior to his current position, Trent Smith, originally started out as a polymer chemist. Trent Smith currently works on the Commercial Crew Program. Prior to joining CCP, he worked with the United States Senate as a NASA technical advisor for the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. He was also a vehicle processing engineer, along with many other jobs. One thing Trent told us, he has a hard time saying, "NO!" If NASA asks Trent to do something, he does it! Below is a picture with him, but you can also read more about him at the link below.

NASA Plant Growth Chamber – ERC
FOCUS QUESTION:  How can plants grow on the Moon, on Mars, or in the International Space Station (ISS)? What are these environments like and how do they differ from Earth’s environment?

Our plant growth chamber. It had to be small and weigh very little, as going to space can be quite costly.

Tour KSCVC/Atlantis

Next up, we got to explore the Kennedy Space Center on our own. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Marcos Pontes, the first and only Brazilian astronaut to go to space. Although his time in space was less than 2 weeks, it was an experience of a life time. Along with meeting Marcos Pontes, I took a tour and checked out the space shuttle, Atlantis. After the tour, off to watch IMAX: Space Station 3D. This movie was spectacular, if gave a point of view from the astronauts on the construction of the space station, including living there.


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